Connecting Tunisian Talent Worldwide: Highlights from Diaspora Day at Zarzis Business Park

Connecting Tunisian Talent Worldwide: Highlights from Diaspora Day at Zarzis Business Park

The 4th  edition of Diaspora Day “Zarzis Business Park; Investing with Confidence” July 31, 2023

On Monday, July 31, 2023, Zarzis Business Park hosted a day dedicated to Tunisian talents abroad at the conference room of Zarzis Smart Center. This event, aimed at Tunisian talents residing abroad interested in developing their business in Industry and New Technologies, brought together approximately 100 individuals from our diaspora based in countries such as France, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, and local entrepreneurs from the region.

During this event, we had the honor of hosting distinguished speakers who shared their experiences and expertise with our esteemed guests.

Additionally, a presentation highlighting the latest developments at the Park, the installation benefits, and the service offerings of the second phase of Zarzis Smart Center was showcased.

We extend our gratitude to our speakers, moderator, partners, and our dear diaspora.


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